As a website owner you know Hosting is one of most important tools to publish your business on web. So, as a software developer & website consultant, I am going to share my experience with you…
Over the last seven years I used lots of hosting service for my clients projects. Hostgator, Bluehost, GoDaddy, Namecheap, dreamhost, 1and1 and more 🙂
Evey hosting has separate tools & specification. But honestly, I like Bluehost. Bluehost offer every function & tools that I like as a user. Here are some…
Cpanel Software
Bluehost Linux hosting comes with Cpanel software which is really easy to use. It’s works like drag & drop. You can easily manage your files, backup your files using Cpanel.
The Best Web Hosting Starting at $3.95/month (If you buy for 3 years).
Note: If you buy using my link, I will earn some commission. You will not charge over, although sometime I can provide you discount code provided by the provider. so, dont forget to ask me for code.
You can choose siteground as well…